Little Brothers and Sisters of Africa



0.1.1. Jesus, the only Son of God, came into the world to save every tribe and to walk together with each and every person in the journey of life.

0.1.2. He came to enlighten for us the culture, which we inherited from our ancestors, so that we can see how it leads to him, the new Adam.

0.1.3. He came to gather us anew through his Spirit of love, who makes us the family of God the Father, the fraternity of his own little brothers and sisters, who defeated fear and hate among them, and the copy of the Holy Trinity, perfect communion of diverse persons, in which all languages would gather to proclaim the marvels our almighty God has done for us.

0.2.1. By his love, he wanted Africa to be his second continent, where he would get safety during his childhood and would be more and more African through the members of his body.

0.2.2. The Church of our continent, after being done great things by him, and flourished by the efforts and blood of our elders in faith, now has the responsibility to spread the salvation to the ends of the earth, not just to be satisfied with fulfilling the needs of her dioceses only.

0.2.3. After the Vatican II Ecumenical Council, the Holy Spirit in the first Synod of Africa told her how he wants she to show that herself is the family of God and to preach the Good News of Jesus Christ, who is the way, the truth and the life of any African and any person of the world.

0.2.4. The second millennium, a unique opportunity to convey the Gospel to all peoples, is again her appropriate time.

0.2.5. Even if many Africans are still left behind politically and economically, their culture of life and solidarity are urgently needed by the whole world.

0.3.1. Saint Francis of Assisi bore witness to Christ with gentleness and courage in front of Muslims of our continent, aspiring to shed his blood for people who did not know Jesus.

0.3.2. His example and his God-given charismaa, which has two characteristics, brotherhood and littleness, are very useful in fulfilling the Synod’s propositions.

0.4.1. We, Little Brothers and Sisters of Africa, bearing this in mind, feel the vocation to fulfil that charismaa in Africans’ real environment, by keeping, flourishing and spreading the values of their culture which correspond to the Gospel.

0.4.2. Hence we hope that the power of God, which reveals itself clearly in human weakness, will use us for the growth of the whole Church, which depends on and leads to holiness, that is, to share totally in the life of God.

0.5.1. Our Franciscan missionary Order has its headquarters in the town of Morogoro, where the diocesan bishop, his Grace Telesphore Mkude, in his efforts to spread the Gospel, has instituted it as a Public Association of the Faithful, according to the canon 312 CIC.

0.5.2. It is on the bishop of that diocese to keep discerning our charismaa so that he can recommend this Order to be recognized as a new form of consecrated life, according to the canon 605 CIC, or that he can dissolve it for grave reasons.

0.6.1. It is he who has approved these Constitutions so that they can help us to follow Jesus surely and fulfil the Father’s will for us.

0.6.2. The Constitutions concern directly those of us who have promised keeping chastity, poverty and obedience, by living the Gospel in community within different fraternities of brothers or sisters.

0.6.3. True members of the Association are also diocesan clergymen, laymen and women, singles as well married who, after having been formed properly, live in the world near one of such communities, sharing its spiritual and apostolic life: they follow the Rule and the Constitutions of the Secular Franciscan Order like other members of that pontifical Order.

0.7.1. These Constitutions contain only those things of our charismaa and regulations which are not expected to be modified.

0.7.2. Even so, we should continue asking God’s light and benefiting our experiences so that we can better understand his will for us, bearing in mind the discipleship of Christ according to the Gospel, the Franciscan spiritual heritage, the aims of the Church and the needs of the world, always putting the progress of our souls and the salvation of humanity as our main priority.

0.8.1. The bishop of Morogoro can approve the amendments of these Constitutions which have been passed by two thirds of the Larger Inter-council votes, provided they are really needed so that we can persist to build on the same basis.

0.8.2. It is better to renounce them if there isn’t such need, because any changes make the laws grow weak, and small changes prompt larger ones, until the nature of the Order becomes different and causes its infertility.

0.9.1. In order to get happiness by fulfilling perfectly what we have been shown, let us strive to live so that the real aspect of our Order would resemble the picture God through his Church has given us in these Constitutions.

0.9.2. The General Chapter can approve a few bylaws for the whole Order, and modify them where necessary, provided they are always conformed to the Rule and these Constitutions.

0.9.3. The General Council can approve special ordinances, which deal with specific brothers, sisters or communities, according to their needs and environment.

0.9.4. However, let us trust more in the humble faithfulness of each one of us than in a lot of laws and efforts of Servants and Guardians.

0.10.1. If any doubt occurs concerning the execution of any part of these Constitutions, the General Council can decide what to be done, until the Inter-council of the Association would give official interpretation by consent of the Bishop of Morogoro.

0.11.1. It is on the Bishop of the concerned diocese to dispense brothers and sisters from fulfilling some parts of our laws in special circumstances.

0.11.2. If there is sufficient reason, Servants and Guardians can also dispense the brothers or sisters under their care, those who are there temporarily and the whole community, except what concerns the structures of our Order and the core of our way of life; moreover, if permanent permission is needed, only the Servant can concede it.

0.11.3. The one who got a dispensation must make more effort in other matters which he can do, knowing that the facility of getting such permissions hamper quickly the longing of perfection.

0.12.1. In a special way we should be aware of the temptation to see a must of the Constitutions as too difficult, or to fail to fulfil it deliberately or carelessly.

0.12.2. We should believe that salvation came from the foolishness of the cross, and then experience how any burden is light if it is carried for the sake of our beloved Jesus, in order to cling to him.





1.1  Jesus and his Gospel


1.1.1.                 Jesus of Nazareth is the perfect image of the invisible God, and is the only One Who reveals totally to us our human nature.

1.1.2.                 The Holy Gospel, which is the heart of the whole Sacred Scripture, reveals to us His deeds and words. Hence, it leads us in the only way to reach our Father in the Holy Spirit, and also to become mature persons as He demands us.

1.1.3.                 Our elder Francis of Assisi, since his conversion, was not deaf to the Gospel message, but by following it exactly he went to resemble Jesus in a unique way.

1.1.4.                 Love of Jesus, which has conquered us too, is the source of our whole life through which we pursue his Gospel’s perfection, by fulfilling not only God’s commandments, but also the counsels arising from the teachings and examples which he left us, in order to follow as near as it’s possible the Lamb of God wherever He goes.

1.1.5.                 We must embrace the Gospel this way more than human traditions, even if they are religious.

1.1.6.                 Thus the Holy Spirit will make Jesus the centre of our life and make anew our culture in Him, for the praise and glory of God the Father.


1.2. Members of the Body of Christ


1.2.1. Christ is in complete union with His bride and lives in her in such a way that to be united with the Church and to be united with him is the same thing.

1.2.0.      Let us offer our lives and hearts, our words and deeds, our time and efforts, to Her who is our Mother, so that we can live and work in and for Her, because we believe that we possess the Holy Spirit in the measure that we love the Church.

1.2.1.      Let us co-operate with Her different structures in working and especially in celebrating the Eucharist so as to show and strengthen our unity.

1.2.2.      Let us also help Her necessary structures through collections and other offerings, especially for the common fund if it is a provision of the diocese.

1.2.3.      We religious persons are a gift which our Father has offered to the Church to remind His children of the depth of their particular vocations which for all of them is only one, that is, to be holy throughout their life.

1.2.4.      As we are in need of help of the faithful, in turn they need to be drawn by us who have refused the allurements of the world and abandoned also some earthly values, in order to point straight away to the everlasting happiness by following the way which Jesus showed in the Sermon on the Mount.

1.2.5.      By the example of Mary of Bethany, let us throw away our lives like perfume at the Lord’s feet, so that the whole Church can be filled by fragrance which may be for each Christian a challenge to hear anew the Word of life and contribute to the courageous efforts of the whole God’s family in proclaiming, celebrating and fulfilling this Word.

1.2.6.      So we shall take our true position in the Body of Christ, i.e. to be the heart of her life, her holiness, and her apostolate.


1.3.0.      Particular Churches


1.3.1.       The Catholic Church lives in the particular churches of East and West which have different faces according to the environment, history, and culture of their people.

1.3.2.       Let us always value all this richness and keep it in mind, especially when we are entering a certain diocese, so that our charisma should flourish there as its own place and build her effectively.

1.3.3.       In every place, let us fulfil our gift of prophecy with great courage, by doing and saying on behalf of God, without following the flow or trying to attract others to us. But also with humble hearts, by agreeing that the successors of the Apostles.

1.3.4.       Since we are lead by faith, let us love them and appreciate their threefold duty to teach us, sanctify us, and shepherd us.

1.3.5.       We have to be ready to cooperate with them during the canonical visitations they do to us for the development of our Order in the Church.

1.3.6.       Let us see their priests as our elder brothers in Christ and receive their services with thanksgiving, especially of our parish priests and those priests whom the diocesan Bishop, after communicating with our servants, has chosen them to be our own advisors and confessors in case the Order is not self-sufficient.


1.4.0.      Unity of the Church


1.4.1.       The unity of God in Three Persons is the origin, example, and aim of His family which is united by the Spirit of love.

1.4.2.       The quality of the Church depends on the relationships between us, her sons, that is, how we care for, have solidarity with, and love each other, how we welcome and discuss and trust each other.

1.4.3.       For this reason the Bishop of Rome has been trusted with the entire flock of sheep of Christ in the world, so that he can shepherd it with love, and strengthen it in faith so that it may be the pillar and foundation of truth.

1.4.4.       Through our promise we commit ourselves to have special love and obedience to him and his Church, making the effort to know and fulfil all documents they issue.

1.4.5.       Let us, witnesses of the goodness of living brotherly, build bridges between the clergy, lay and religious persons, and their respective organizations too, so that we can accomplish with the energy of unity that enormous task which Jesus charged to us.

1.4.6.       Moreover we have to discuss and know each other, to collaborate, and especially to pray and repent together with our brothers and sisters of different denominations, so that our witness to Christ, our Peace, may be trustworthy until any divisions would end.


1.5.0.      Franciscan Penance


1.5.1.       Jesus Christ, while preaching the Kingdom of God, called people to accept it through an interior revolution, starting to think, to judge anything, and to arrange their lives according to the Father’s love which He revealed to us.

1.5.2.       He Himself sent our elder Francis so that through his movement he can reform the Church, which is Holy, but also needs a constant purification and renewal, in order that all the faithful should fulfil in their lives the Sacraments which have consecrated them.

1.5.3.       Let us hold the spiritual treasure of this saint by always fulfilling it, keeping it, studying it and developing it, and then by sharing it with every person so that they can have salvation and holiness.

1.5.4.       Within the Church our communities should be built as an environment of penance on the foundation of Baptism, which enables our whole life to become Easter, proceeding to die to sin more and more so to be raised with Christ to new life.

1.5.5.       Although we do not know where Jesus’ invitation of losing our life after Him will lead us, let us not worry about tomorrow’s affairs. Instead, let us leave them in the hands of God whom all consolations come from and let us help each other to carry the cross daily.

1.5.6.       After starting the journey to reach perfect love, let us triumph over the temptation of easy self-satisfaction and stopping in between, for we know that without a step forward we are actually moving backwards.

1.5.7.       As Saint Francis did under the direction of the Holy Spirit and His gifts, let us strip off our old humanity and its vices, and clothe ourselves in Christ and His virtues, in order to pick the fruits of the Spirit and taste Jesus’ beatitudes which are the prelude of eternal life.


1.6.       Jesus’ Perfect Follower


1.6.1 All generations praise the glorious and happy Mother of Jesus, Mary of Nazareth, for she believed the word of God and accepted the Holy Spirit. Hence, she has been an example of how to accept graces from God and to consecrate ourselves to God.

1.6.2. In the same way, participating from the beginning in the hidden life of Her Son, and then being present to the main events of His apostolic work, she has shown us the way to unite with Him, especially by putting and meditating in a pure heart all that deals with Jesus.

1.6.3. Our spiritual life, communal life, and apostolic life should have this particular characteristic of Mary so that we can grow in faith, hope and love, as we are taught by the Gospel.




2.1. Our Way

2.1.1.      The Holy Spirit leads the children of God to follow Jesus in particular ways and to start in the Church spiritual families which have many different forms of charismaas.

2.1.2.      In His grace we commit ourselves in that family founded by our elder Francis as having different branches, so that all nations should keep witnessing the Gospel holiness which may be reached by following the steps of Jesus who was poor and also crucified.

2.1.3.      He Himself is the main book through which the Holy Spirit teaches us of the meaning and the way of living, loving and suffering, insofar that we arrive to accept with peace the Father’s will in the most difficult situations of life.

2.1.4.      With special love God Father calls continuously those whom He chooses to abandon all things so that they can completely unite with His Son spiritually and in the way of life, especially through obedience, poverty, and chastity, which were truly his own and which were very fitting for him to keep in this world.

2.1.5.      Like such love, all these things deal with our nature until the innermost self, where we feel the compulsion to plan our life, to possess things, and to sexual love.

2.1.6.      We who have been given such charisma cannot value it properly, but let us accept it with thanksgiving and return to God our whole humanity so that His power can multiply it for the benefit of the crowd.

2.1.7.      Thus we shall show to all people the way to overcome the bad desires of power, possessions, and pleasures of life which are born in everyone’s heart with original sin and will eventually lead them to perish.


2.2. Vocations


2.2.1.      Our Lord’s life and command show that from the beginning the question of holy vocations is fundamental to the Church, and that prayer is the way to afford it very surely.

2.2.2.      Let us participate in the Church’s work for them by teaching, especially youth, to pray for vocations, by promoting and welcoming those who feel they have a vocation so that we can sustain them in order to respond well, while showing by deeds the excellence of living with Jesus and making known our charismaa.

2.2.3.      Each vocation is a special invitation by God to a certain person which brings joy and hope to him and to the community, and also asks for rejuvenated efforts so that it can flourish through the faithfulness of all of us.

2.2.4.      A priest or deacon should not be accepted without first the servant getting the advice from his Bishop The one who was a consecrated person or a seminarian should not be accepted without information from the superior of the Order where the candidate comes from, or the rector of the seminary concerned.

2.2.5.      The following absolutely cannot be absolutely accepted: those who are under 18 years of age; those who have not received Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist; those who are not in perfect communion with the Church; those who enter the Order due to force or fear or deceit; those who are accepted by the servant in such ways; those who cannot pay their debts; those who are married; those with religious vows or are members of other forms of institutes and those who in the past made perpetual promises in any fraternity of our Order.

2.2.6.      The steps of entering our life, which are postulancy, probation and juniorate, must be done under formation directors, who are supposed to help the new members get gradually experience and knowledge, which are needed to go on in the spiritual life with interior freedom which grow more and more.

2.2.7.      To discharge a postulant or a novice who is not fit is the sole responsibility of the servant. But under an urgent serious condition, it may also be the responsibility of the formation director by permission of the Council of the community concerned.


2.3. Formation


2.3.1.      In order for one to get help to participate in Christ’s love even unto on the cross hoping for complete fulfilment in resurrection, he/she needs an as full as possible Franciscan formation in humanity, Christianity, consecrated and missionary life, from when one enters the Order until his/her death.

2.3.2.      Moreover, this formation’s aim is to help him/her to get human maturity, a foundation which enables one to build the Order, the Church and the society.

2.3.3.      Trusting in the Holy Spirit who was sent to be the great Actor of formation, all brothers and sisters concerned, that is who have accepted vocation, the inter-council, the council of the fraternity, the formation directors, the spiritual directors, with the whole community should have one aim and one heart, co-operating well together in the different responsibilities.

2.3.4.      They themselves should continuously respond in their vocation and use well the assistance given to them so that they can resemble Jesus in the important occasions of life as well as in those common, in both the sweetness and the difficulty of living together in community and in the apostolic commitments.

2.3.5.      Although our life and formation depend on and aim directly to unite ourselves with Him instead of following detailed directives, moreover, the inter-council should prepare a good arrangement of all that work which should be fulfilled by other special writings for each stage and formation house.

2.3.6.      Its execution should be considered by the Inter-council as its first responsibility, especially through preparing in each fraternity enough brethren for the very important work of forming and teaching their brethren.

2.3.7.      The Council of the fraternity, when sending some of the brothers or sisters to begin community in other countries, should ensure that some of them are able also as formation directors.

2.3.8.      They should know well especially the way of God in order to lead those who have been trusted to them by the fraternity; moreover, they should not be overloaded by other activities and thus becoming unable to serve them properly.

2.3.9.      They must show them the obvious and hidden obstacles, the need to deny him/herself continually, but especially the goodness of the goal and the value of the charisma which makes it possible to reach it.

2.3.10.  At least in the houses of postulancy, probation and juniorate, the Council of the fraternity should also choose those who fit more to be instruments of God for spiritual direction, according to their experience in listening to His word, using the gifts of the Holy Spirit, and discerning.

2.3.11.  The other members are required to help new brothers or sisters by welcoming them with love, praying for them, and being good example.



2.4. Postulancy


2.4.1.      The aim of postulancy is to fill the gaps of the early formation of a person so that his/her vocation can be understood, and if he/she keeps living with us can benefit from the stage of probation.

2.4.2.      Apart from the time which sometimes may be used for study purposes in different schools and colleges, the postulant must live in our communities from one to three years.

2.4.3.      During this time the postulant should be observing himself/herself and being observed in regards to both his/her human and Christian maturity, including fraternal cooperative spirit, determination to work, stability about sexuality and affectivity, true Catholic faith, effort to grow spiritually, and the desire of helping others reach salvation.

2.4.4.      After discovering the meaning of the consecrated life and its forms, the postulant should write the application letter to the fraternity Council concerned in order to begin the period of probation to get this identity in his/her inmost.


2.5. Probation


2.5.1   In an environment of faith, prayer and brotherly service of others, the novices should learn     the knowledge of love in order to have the same aim of Jesus: to deny themselves with joy       and to be humble and meek to all in any situation.

2.5.2.      To achieve this aim, the novices must be helped through Christian and Franciscan teachings, and particularly through private conversations with his/her formation director, so that they discover how they are loved just as they are and how they can fully mature.

2.5.3.      This probation lasts three years, but if there is a need a fourth year can be added.

2.5.4.      In the second year the servant, by request of the formation director, can send the novices to live the communal life in other places, or allow them to skip the second year if they wish to pronounce first temporary promise.

2.5.5.      In all cases, in this stage the emphasis must be on prayer and meditation as Jesus did in Nazareth, as he prepared to offer his whole self to the Father in order to take away the sin of the world.

2.5.6.      Three months before the end of probation time, each one should write an application letter to the fraternity Council so that he/she can make his promise for all the days of his/her life or for a period, which must not be less than one year.

2.5.7.      After getting information from the formation director together with the opinion of the community, the Council should discuss the request and vote secretly, discerning if making vows will help novice to love more or will overload him/her.

2.5.8.      If a novice is accepted, before making temporary promises he/she has to submit his/her properties to anyone for care and benefit from them. Also, the novice has to write his/her last testament. After that he/she can change his/her decisions only for understandable reasons along with the guardian’s permission.


2.6.       Making Promise


2.6.1.      Before making temporary promise, the concerned should be at least 23 years old and have talked with his/her relatives at least by letter. For permanent promise, the concerned should get permission from his/her closest relatives.

2.6.2.      During Holy Mass, the concerned is to fulfil baptism promises by publicly commit himself/herself to follow the Gospel communally according to the Rule and Life of the Third Order Regular of the Brothers and Sisters of St. Francis, which was approved by Pope John Paul II and according to these Constitutions.

2.6.3.      This promise to God does not commit only the one who has done so, but also the community which has accepted it on behalf of the Church, on how to meet the goals of his/her vocation, especially by offering him/her supportive environment and formation.

2.6.4.      By making temporary promise, we want to follow the way of perfect love without any obstacles so that we can unite more with Jesus such that he bears many fruits of holiness in us, moreover, so that we can unite more with the Church and her missionary work according to our vocation.

2.6.5.      Temporary promise can be repeated endlessly, or be the opportunity of maturing so that afterwards one can offer him/herself even unto death.

2.6.6.      The one who will make permanent promise after a temporary one in order to surrender him/herself to God as a holocaust for the salvation of the whole human race, must prepare for two months in recollection and prayer, just as the Apostles did when they prepared to receive the Holy Spirit to be done by him, witnesses of Christ to the ends of the earth.

2.6.7.      Through permanent promise, we respond with an undivided heart to the love of God the Father, following His Son who loved to the end and by a particular charisma of the Holy Spirit. We are consecrated in a new and special way through the Church. As well, we are accepted definitively by the Order as our new family, and totally surrender to it, ready to be sent anywhere throughout the world.

2.6.8.      Before making perpetual promise, the brother or sister concerned must write a document to give up all his/her properties forever, by arranging how to distribute to the poor all of his/her actual belongings, and all which he/she will inherit afterwards; this document will be applicable right from when he/she makes that promise.

2.6.9.      The one who completed probation or made temporary promise and then leaves the Order lawfully, if he/she applies in order to be accepted back and if the Council of the Fraternity accepts his/her application, a certain interval of time should be arranged and conditions made. If all goes well, the Council should agree on giving the concerned to make temporary promise and, later, if he/she wishes, the permanent one.


2.7.      Juniorate


2.7.1.      Three years following probation should be used to develop the formation in regards to the Word of God and the spiritual life, together with the brothers or sisters familiarizing with various works in and outside of the community.

2.7.2.      Such works should be arranged and performed especially for their benefit, not according to the current needs of the fraternity or of other people, so as not to overwhelm them.

2.7.3.      Focus on prayer and penance should dominate this stage too, so that they proceed to offer themselves with love according to their promise, and prepare to face all that will occur in their lives, especially in difficult environments.

2.7.4.      It must be ensured that Juniores are given specific times to live in a remote place for prayer, meditation, and the study of the teachings they received.


2.8.      Special Formation


2.8.1.      God has made our Order and he himself makes it new each day by enlightening us to hold the Franciscan Gospel life, which is a complete aim and must be the first for all who join us.

2.8.2.      Even so, if our brother has been truly called to become a priest or deacon or to serve the Church in other ministries, the servant should give him what necessary formation is required to become a minister according to God’s heart, ready to represent Christ faithfully and generously. In regards to this, the Bishop has the last decision, however, the ordination is intended to be given for the life and missionary work of our Order, and so not only confined to his diocese.

2.8.3.      Also, should the need arise for one of us to study for certain training, the Council of the fraternity must choose a brother/sister whose maturity gives hope that he/she will continue to be a good example of our vocation.

2.8.4.      Under the formation director, all the concerned must face properly any problems which arise during their respective period of studies, so that study should not affect the spirit of devotion and prayer, nor make them feel to be important, but instead it must lead them closer to God who reveals himself to little ones, and prepare them to serve the people better.


2.9.      Permanent Formation


2.9.1.      The Order has to help all brethren through daily routine as well as through different courses, seminars, meetings and experiences so that their Franciscan vocation should flourish continuously and their apostolate should fit in with any environment change.

2.9.2.      Each one of us according to his/her abilities and responsibilities, has to commit him/herself to self development in what he/she is concerned with, starting with the spiritual life which is the key of the whole formation for him/herself and for others.

2.9.3.      We have to believe that God the Father feeds his family first with the Sacred Scriptures in which he speaks to us uninterruptedly so as to welcome us in communion with him and make us come to know his will about our lives.

2.9.4.      Let us take the Holy Bible daily in our hands, aiming with humility to understand it according to the Church’s faith and our own environment, so that we can know Christ, the Word.

2.9.5.      Let us also prefer to read the writings of Church’s Magisterium, of her Fathers, of the best teachers of the spiritual life, and of the lives of the Saints, especially the Franciscans, striving to do what we read.

2.9.6.      Let us eat such food together at least in the noontime or evening when we feed our bodies, except on Sunday, feast days, and other opportune occasions.

2.9.7.      Through this Gospel light, the Spirit of wisdom will enable us to recognize the situation of the world and the signs of our time, to discern what comes from God and what opposes him, and to rejoice in the way the Father leads all things, so to bring good out of something bad.

2.9.8.      We shall also learn how to face any event, hoping in him as if all things should depend on him alone, and committing ourselves as if they should depend on us.

2.9.9.      For the sake of this, books and a few newspapers whose stance is truly Catholic should be available for the benefit of all.


2.10.      Faithfulness


2.10.1.  Each of our consecrated members has the responsibility and right to fulfil his/her vocation, and participate in the life and work of the fraternity in its different steps according to these Constitutions.

2.10.2.  The virtue of religion and the first commandment of God want us to fulfil all which we promised to him so as to show him due respect and love.

2.10.3.  In order to have more and more the will to do that and to commit ourselves according to the interior law, which is the Holy Spirit himself, let us read part of the Constitutions daily; then once per month we must repeat our promise after reading the whole Rule, and St. Francis’ admonition and curse.

2.10.4.  Let us ask the grace to follow them, let us meditate on them many times and talk about them in our meetings, so that they can soak ever more deeply in the life of each one and the whole community, hence helping us to strive for holiness and to do apostolic work according to God’s will.

2.10.5.  In his faithfulness God cannot repent about the excellent vocation which he has provided us. At the same time we have to be faithful to him hoping in the grace which we will never lack insofar as we keep watch through tireless prayer.

2.10.6.  With this certainty, let us run on the narrow road of the life so to get the everlasting crown, knowing that many do race but do not succeed.

2.10.7.  Let us care not to grow tepid, which is the beginning of apostasy, nor to follow world fashions, but continue to offer ourselves as a living sacrifice, holy, and pleasing to God.

2.10.8.  The tunic which we wear constantly day and night and our poverty look in general, are aimed to help us to keep on in our vocation, and then to shock people and make them think.

2.10.9.  So, we should not feel ashamed for them, but take care that our hearts be like the outside in the measure it shows humility and cleanness.


2.11.      Separation From The Order


2.11.1.  If one with promise has a problem, he/she can ask for a time of separation from the fraternity, once it is documented in writing; after the servant talking with him and giving him a time to meditate, the Council of the community should decide by love and wisdom; its decision is to be written on the register and reported to the one concerned. From there, the rights and duties connected to his/her promise are stopped, except that he/she is not allowed to marry. If the allocated time for him/her has expired, he/she can apply again for reception back into the fraternity. If, however, the concerned has not applied for re-entry or has not been accepted back, he/she must take leave of the Order forever as it is stated below.

2.11.2.  When the time of his/her promise is due, the brother/sister is free to leave the Order while at the same time the Council can deny him/her from renewing it or making permanent promise should there be good reasons.

2.11.3.  The brother/sister with permanent promise who has serious reasons to leave the Order, after counsel with his/her servant, must ask permission of the Bishop of the diocese where he/she has religious residence, for it is he who has the authority to permit his/her leave following communication with the Council of the fraternity.

2.11.4.  A brother/sister who renounces the Catholic faith or who has separated him/herself from the perfect communion of the Church or who has been excommunicated or who has abandoned the community life will immediately lose all duties and rights which he/she holds in the Order. The servant should make every effort to bring back the fallen brother/sister, because he/she is yet required to fulfil his/her promise. However, if he/she is unsuccessful, he/she has to send the concerned a warning letter that he/she will be dismissed. If no changes have been made after one month, the Council of the fraternity has no choice but to dismiss the brother/sister. The dismissed can recur to the diocesan bishop where he/she had religious residence and stop the proceedings of the dismissal, provided that he/she is not too late, within ten (10) days after being informed.

2.11.5.  For any other reasons, which are serious, open, sinful and proven as listed in our minor laws, the Servant has to open the case in front of his/her Council, giving the concerned the chance to defend him/herself. Then all documentation has to be sent to the diocesan bishop where the concerned has religious residence in order to get the official dismissal from the Order.

2.11.6.  The brother/sister who has been separated forever from the Order has no more the rights and duties that were attached to his/her promise. In the same way, he/she cannot demand anything for works done when living in the Order.

2.11.7.  On the fraternity’s part, it must express love and equity to anyone who left, especially he/she who has spent many years in it, while helping the concerned to face life outside and progress in the spiritual journey.


2.12.      The Faithful Virgin


2.12.1.  After following Jesus to Calvary, Mary bore us with pain and was made by her Son to be the Mother of each one of us, especially those whom he loved more.

2.12.2.  From the beginning of our living in the Order let us receive anew Mary as our Mother by loving and following her, by entrusting to her the secrets of our life and asking her so that she can educate us as she educated Jesus.

2.12.3.  By her kindness Mary will share with us that love which enables us to offer to her Son our entire life without taking back anything, to entrust ourselves to the Father and his will up to the cross, then to enjoy the marvels he does to us through his Holy Spirit.

2.12.4.  This joy lasting even in temptations will prove the excellence of living for God only. It will attract other vocations and show the world the ways to change and be his Kingdom.







1. God Bless Africa

Bless its leaders

Let Wisdom Unity and

Peace be the shields of

Africa and its people


Bless Africa

Bless Africa

Bless us the children of Africa.