Alfa Gems Co ltd is a noprofi joint venture among the Diocese of Morogoro, an Italian private citizen and another company Kiswila MIneral co ltd. Main sectors of activity include: Education, Health and investments.

The scope of the company is to promote initiatives for the wellfare



Dr.Regina Fredy Sanga,M.D.

Guitarist and Lead Vocalist

Loves long walks on the beach

Member since 1988

Msafiri Salehe( Head of clinical department)


Loves drummin'

Member since 1988

Jackline Lukindo,RN(Nurse Officer Incharge)

Bass player

Loves math

Member since 2005




Alfa Pro life is located in Tungi ward-Morogoro town along Morogoro- Dar-es-Salaam highway, commuter transport is available (Mjini-Tubuyu/Tungi/Mikese),the dispensary is nearby Alfagems Secondary school, for more information please contact,

1.     Alfa Pro Life dispensary

            P.O.BOX 6083


2.    Managing Director Vincenzo Ciccarelli

        email: vincenzo@alfagems.com