Alfagems Co. ltd

Secondary School

Morogoro Tanzania


Our school’s buildings are in Morogoro town, Kingolwira ward, Mji Mwema where until now there was no secondary school.

In this area, whose owner is the Morogoro Diocese, about 11 acres are for the school’s needs.

The building plan previews 9 offices, 31 classrooms, 2 laboratories, 1 library, 1 hall, 6 staff houses, many for at least 400 girls, 2 refectories, 124 toilets etc.

Until now more than half of the project is ready. At the same time, the company progresses in providing the school with furniture, books, laboratory apparatuses etc.

In the area there are many fountains of clean water for the students.

The minibuses Mjini-Mikese arrive near the school.

There is a private dispensary in the nearby.

As for the electric power, the school is connected with the network of the national provider Tanesco.